Monday, December 27, 2010

My students completing their drapery pastel paintings

I have three Atelier students Shannon Gilmore (top above), Shannon Blencowe, and Johanna Blair. I started working with each of them at the same time. Now they are a close knit group of young art students who have bonded with one another and support each others progress. This drapery project I have mentioned previously but now I would like to show each of the pastel paintings completed by my students.
This project was to take learning to draw drapery and make it a serious painting in pastel. I wanted to take them from the beginning to the completion of a work. They worked on UArt pastel paper that I purchased on line at Dakota Art Pastels, an art supply company out west that specialize in pastels, pastel surfaces and accessories. They pack and ship good too!
The beginning of the work stressed composition and drawing. Each art student composed individually and competently. They used brush and turpentine to move the Nupastel drawing and to blend values and soften edges. This was a long time project for them so that they had to pace themselves and learn the most that they could from each careful step in the pastel painting. They went from using Nupastels to Rembrandt to Schmincke pastels going from hard to soft.
The challenge of this project enabled them to take time to study what they were looking at, to learn each step slowly and to learn to complete a pastel painting to then photograph and frame for showing. Not all my teaching is from start to finish but this helps the student to take the entire process and see what it's conclusion should look like and to feel the accomplishment as well.
The completed pastel paintings are below and are just beautiful to look at. The values read properly, and the intensity of the pigments are glorious to see.

These are the completed pastel paintings done from top to bottom
Shannon Blencowe, Shannon Gilmore and Johanna Blair.
I am so pleased with the results , the hard work by each student and all the important things that they learned in the process. Hope you enjoy viewing each of the works.


  1. Oh my goodness, Claudia! These paintings by these three young women are amazing! Each one is so realistic that I feel like I could touch the fabrics. Kudos to Shannons B & G, Johanna, and YOU!

  2. Beautiful job, all. Congratulations!

  3. These all came out really beautiful
